Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

If you have any question that is not answered here please feel free to create a new issue in Github and we’ll add the answer here.

Which brokers are supported by SQJobs?

SQS is the only supported broker by SQJobs now.

Anyway, create new brokers is an easy task, just check the base broker to have an idea of how to create a new one.

How do I execute more than one job at a time?

SQJobs follows the KISS principle and the UNIX philosophy, trying to do just one thing in the best possible way.

In that manner, SQJobs doesn’t provide a way to execute parallell workers, delegating that task to specific process managers like supervisor, circus, upstart, ...

As an example, here is a sample configuration for circus:

working_dir = /opt/project/src
cmd = sqjobs sqs worker downloader --aws-access-key=AK --aws-secret-key=SK --jobs=jobs
numprocesses = 4
uid = sqjobs
autostart = True

I don’t see any feedback when I’m executing the worker from Django

When using the worker from django (with the script) SQJobs doesn’t print anything in the stdout/stderr. As a good practise, it uses the standard logging system of Python to provide you useful information about what’s happening.

To see this information you need to configure the django logging system. There is plenty of information about how to do it, but here is an example of the to export DEBUG information to the standard output (usually, your shell):

    'version': 1,
    'handlers': {
        'console': {
            'level': 'DEBUG',
            'class': 'logging.StreamHandler',
    'loggers': {
        'sqjobs': {  # This is the name of the logger where SQJobs writes it information
            'handlers': ['console'],
            'level': 'DEBUG',
            'propagate': False,